ABC Waters Professional Registry
The following are qualified ABC Waters Professionals (ABCWP) under the SILA registration scheme.
Registration Criteria
Registration Procedure
Renewal Criteria
Renewal Procedure
Application Review Process
Certificate Validity Period
ABCWP CPD Points System
ABCWP R/No. | Accreditation Reg No | Name | Organisation | Year Reg. | Valid from | Valid till | Status |
ABC-SILA001 | 3554/1215/0120 | Koh Jiann Bin | Coherean Pte Ltd | 2013 | 1 Jan'25 | 31 Dec'26 | Valid |
ABC-SILA003 | 2846/0118/0130 | Bronwyn Tan Yung Siang | Shubin + Tan Landscape Architecture | 2015 | 1 Jan'25 | 31 Dec'26 | Valid |
ABC-SILA005 | 4637/0615/0109 | Luke Lee Chu Yang | Genesis Nine One Pte Ltd | 2013 | 1 Jan'25 | 31 Dec'26 | Valid |
ABC-SILA008 | 3658/0515/0061 | Tay Kwang Liang | DP Green Pte Ltd | 2015 | 1 Jan'25 | 31 Dec'26 | Valid |
ABC-SILA009 | 4195/0515/0043 | Nicholaus Lee Thiam Poh | National Parks Board | 2017 | 1 Jan'25 | 31 Dec'26 | Valid |
ABC-SILA010 | 1412/0515/0094 | Etzel Seah Boon Beng | IT Meng Landscape & Construction Pte Ltd | 2017 | 1 Jan'25 | 31 Dec'26 | Valid |
ABC-SILA011 | 1297/0515/0087 | Lydia Ma Cheng Yi | Housing & Development Board | 2017 | 1 Jan'25 | 31 Dec'26 | Valid |
ABC-SILA012 | 2444/0515/0086 | Tan Jun Xian | - | 2017 | 1 Jan'25 | 31 Dec'26 | Valid |
ABC-SILA014 | 7708/0515/0066 | Liu Huei Lyn | Public Utilities Board | 2017 | 1 Jan'25 | 31 Dec'26 | Valid |
ABC-SILA015 | 9828/0515/0021 | Yvonne Tan Siok Ning | DP Green Pte Ltd | 2018 | 1 Jan'24 | 31 Dec'25 | Valid |
ABC-SILA016 | 7375/0515/0044 | Toh Sok Na | Singapore Polytechnic | 2018 | 1 Jan'24 | 31 Dec'25 | Valid |
ABC-SILA018 | 1264/0515/0014 | Choo Kiang Siang | Housing Development Board | 2018 | 1 Jan'24 | 31 Dec'25 | Valid |
ABC-SILA019 | 0168/0515/0018 | Teoh Soo Keow | Martin Lee Designs | 2019 | 1 Jan'25 | 31 Dec'26 | Valid |
ABC-SILA020 | 6643/0515/0010 | Lee Fei Chong, Alfred | SeedWorks Creations Pte Ltd | 2019 | 1 Jan'25 | 31 Dec'26 | Valid |
ABC-SILA021 | 0330/1118/0136 | Yasuko Takahashi | Essence Atelier Pte Ltd | 2019 | 1 Jan'25 | 31 Dec'26 | Valid |
ABC-SILA022 | 2562/0515/0076 | Derek Loei | Housing & Development Board | 2019 | 1 Jan'25 | 31 Dec'26 | Valid |
ABC-SILA023 | 9556/0118/0133 | Hoo Xin Yu
| Housing & Development Board | 2020 | 1 Jan'24 | 31 Dec'25 | Valid |
ABC-SILA024 | 0354/0515/0085 | Jasmine Tay Li Kah
| Myth Studio | 2020 | 1 Jan'24 | 31 Dec'25 | Valid |
ABC-SILA025 | 9246/0515/0040 | Melissa Yip Sui Ling
| Benoy Landscape | 2020 | 1 Jan'24 | 31 Dec'25 | Valid |
| 1448/0515/0091 | Lee Pei Lih
| Guocoland Limited
| 2020 | 1 Jan'22 | 31 Dec'23 | Invalid |
ABC-SILA027 | 3975/0515/0025 | Kathleen Hazel Pascua Lacsina
| Land Design One
| 2020 | 1 Jan'24 | 31 Dec'25 | Valid |
ABC-SILA028 | 7914/0515/0043 | Chig Yeok Heng
| CHIG Landscape Architecture
| 2020 | 1 Jan'24 | 31 Dec'25 | Valid |
ABC-SILA029 | 4601/0515/0092 | Tay Bee Choo
| Housing & Development Board
| 2020 | 1 Jan'24 | 31 Dec'25 | Valid |
ABC-SILA030 | 7507/0118/0132 | Heng Juit Lian
| Gardens by the Bay | 2020 | 1 Jan'24 | 31 Dec'25 | Valid |
ABC-SILA031 | 7539/0515/0022 | Herbert Julius Montevirgen | Coopers Hill | 2021 | 7 Feb'24 | 31 Dec'24 | Invalid |
Note: Nullified certificates are not shown on the list above.
Download IES List of Approved Activities for Renewal
(Look under “V. Programmes, Forms & Circulars > Activities for Renewal”)
Registration Criteria
With effect from 1 July 2016, an applicant who wishes to register as an ABCWP on the SILA ABC Waters Professional Registry shall satisfy the following conditions:
The applicant must
Possess a landscape architectural degree from a university recognised by SILA;
- Be a full member of SILA;
- Be an Accredited Landscape Architect (Accred. LA) registered with LAAO; and
- Have successfully completed 4 core and 2 elective course modules (not more than 2 years from last module taken)* under the ABC Waters Professional Programme and passed the examinations.
*Search IES Course Listing for course information.
Registration Procedure
An applicant who meets the above criteria shall submit a scanned copy of the following documents to SILA for review and record:
- Completed application form for Registration;
Landscape architectural degree certificate;
SILA membership certificate;
Accreditation certificate; and
Certificate of Attendance and Result slips of 4 core and 2 elective course modules of the ABC Waters Professional Programme. After the completion of a module, a result slip for the module will be issued by IES via email.
The applicant shall indicate in the application form the year in which he wishes to begin his registration. If the applicant wishes to begin his registration in the year of his application, he may submit his application any time in the year. For instance, if the applicant is submitting his application in 2019 and wishes to begin his registration in the same year, he may submit any time in 2019. If the applicant wishes to begin his registration in the year following his application, the application shall be submitted no earlier than 3 months before the year of registration. For instance, if the applicant wishes to start his registration in 2019, he shall submit his application no earlier than October 2018.
The applicant is required to make a payment of S$300.00 in his application submission. The payment includes an application fee of S$100.00 and a 2-year subscription fee of S$200.00.
The payment method shall be by Paynow - UEN no: S86SS0086H
Application fee is not refundable. Subscription fee will be refunded if the application is unsuccessful. The applicant is advised to submit the application before or in the beginning of the year of registration.
The application documents shall be emailed to the following email address:
Successful applicants will be issued the ABC Waters Professional Certificate in softcopy via email.
Download application form for Registration (Version 2023-12-18)
Renewal Criteria
With effect from 1 July 2016, an applicant who wishes to renew his ABCWP certificate shall satisfy the following conditions:
The applicant must
- Be a full member of SILA;
- Be an Accredited Landscape Architect (Accred. LA) registered with LAAO; and
- Have attained a minimum of 12 PDUs* before current certificate expires.
*Refer to ABCWP Continuous Professional Development
Renewal Procedure
An applicant who meets the above criteria shall submit a scanned copy of the following documents to SILA for review and record:
Completed application form for Renewal; and
Documentary proof of attendance of events that are eligible for PDUs (if there is no attendance list to sign during events)
The applicant is required to make payment of S$200.00 for the 2-year subscription fee in his application submission. The payment method shall be by Paynow - UEN no: S86SS0086H
Subscription fee will be refunded if the application is unsuccessful. The applicant is advised to submit the application 2 months before the expiry of the existing certificate.
The application documents shall be emailed to the following email address:
Successful applicants will be issued the ABC Waters Professional Certificate in softcopy via email.
Download application form for Renewal (Version 2023-08-04)
Application Review Process
The average processing time for an application is 6 weeks. After an application is received, the submitted application documents will be checked for completeness before review. SILA may contact the applicant to verify the submitted information or request for more details.
For an application (registration or renewal), if SILA is satisfied that the application has met all the requirements, the application will be recommended via IES to the ABC Waters Monitoring Committee for review and approval. SILA will issue the ABCWP certificate to the applicant once the application is approved by the committee. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified.

Certificate Validity Period
With effect from 1 July 2016, the validity period of an ABCWP certificate is two consecutive years typically from 1 January of the first year to the 31 December of the second.
For registration applications, the ABCWP certificate is valid for the year of registration and the subsequent year. The applicant may indicate his preferred year of registration in his application. If he wishes to begin his registration in the year of his application, the validity period of his certificate will begin on the date of approval in the year of registration. For instance, if an applicant submits his application on 1 February 2018 and indicates that he wishes to begin the registration in 2018, and if the application is approved on 15 March, the validity period of his ABCWP certificate will begin on 15 March 2018 and expires on 1 January 2020. If the applicant indicates that he wishes to begin his registration in 2019, then upon approval, the validity period of his ABCWP certificate will only begin on 1 January 2019 and expires on 1 January 2021.
For renewal applications, the certificate is valid for two consecutive years subsequent to the expiration of the current certificate if the current certificate has not lapsed.
ABCWP Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
The ABCWP Continuous Professional Development aims to encourage the ABCWP to:
• Maintain, improve, or expand technical skills and knowledge;
• Keep abreast of changing procedures and standards;
• Understand and apply advances in technology;
• Better serve the profession, community and environment; and
• Broaden exposure to related fields.
The unit of measure for effort spent in pursuing continuing professional development as an ABCWP is called the Professional Development Unit (PDU). PDUs are obtained through participation in CPD activities.
1) Minimum of 12 PDUs required for renewal
To be eligible for renewal, the ABCWP must attain a minimum of 12 PDUs before his current certificate expires.
2) Maximum of 12 excess PDUs can be carried forward
If the ABCWP has attained more than 12 PDUs for the current renewal, he may carry forward up to 12 excess PDUs for his next renewal. Excess points cannot be carried forward over more than one validity period.
3) Maximum shortfall of 4 PDUs are allowed
A renewal application with insufficient PDUs will still be considered if the shortfall does not exceed 4 points. If the application is successful, the applicant must make up the shortfall by the next renewal application. A renewal application with a shortfall of more than 4 PDUs will be rejected and the certificate will lapse.
4) Lapsed Certificates
An ABCWP certificate is considered to have lapsed if it is expired before renewal application is submitted or the renewal application for the certificate has been rejected due to shortfall in PDUs. No shortfalls of PDUs are allowed for the renewal of certificates that have lapsed for one validity period (i.e. 2 years) or longer.
5) Nullified Certificates
A certificate that has lapsed for 3 years or more will be nullified and can no longer be renewed. The ABCWP with a nullified certificate is required to submit a new registration application subject to conditions should he wish to be registered again.
6) Structured Activities
Refer to the List of Approved Activities (Look under “V. Programmes, Forms & Circulars > Activities for Renewal”) provided by IES for structured activities that are awarded PDUs for renewal. PDUs awarded for the elective modules of the ABC Waters Programme may be used for renewal if the modules have not been already taken for the purpose of registration. PDUs awarded for core modules cannot be used for renewal.
7) Unstructured Activities
Maximum of 2 PDUs per renewal are allowed for self-study related to ABC Waters Design. Self-study material shall be submitted via email for review. Self-study material excludes the ABC Waters Programme course material.
Updated 14 July 2020