LA Future
Call for Young Leaders
LA FUTURE is a ground-up community of SILA Graduate and Student members. We aim to learn, network, contribute and build our knowledge of the Landscape Profession through events and sharing sessions.
SILA Graduate members can build their experience in practice over time and eventually sit for the Accreditation Landscape Architecture examination. This community supports them through this process through sharing sessions and study groups with peers and mentored by Accredited Landscape Architects. The Graduate members are encouraged to guide and mentor Student members by introducing them to the profession of landscape architecture in Singapore.
SILA Student members can learn more about the profession and connect with Graduate and Accredited members by joining LA FUTURE. Sharing sessions and study groups also benefit them within their professional development as well as network with potential employers.
LA FUTURE aims to bridge Students, Graduates and Accredited landscape professionals. In hope of making the transition between study and practice smoother. Whether you have just started or finished your studies or are a young professional starting to make your way in the landscape world of Singapore, join us today by signing up as a Graduate or Student member and indicate your interest to participate in your LA FUTURE.
Call for young leaders
Landscape Architecture (LA) Future is a leadership platform founded upon the aim to mentor and groom young professionals to be future leaders within the landscape architecture profession. Be part of a dynamic team to take on roles and responsibilities to spearhead projects for the LA profession. LA Future is borderless – it extends to landscape architects around the world who are interested to be part of a like-minded, dynamic and committed team. This call goes out to those who share the passion for this profession and aspire to grow it across the globe for the future of our environment.
You will be part of a SILA Committee task group, IFLA Asia-Pacific Region task group and/or IFLA World Standing Committees task group.
Passionate about this profession
Committed for a leadership role
Must be SILA member – any type of membership
Age 18-35
What you get
Exposure to various skills and capabilities important to the development of a landscape architect
Leadership development
Develop networking and communication skills across local and global networks
In-depth understanding and overview of the profession from local to international perspectives
Expanded breath of knowledge in the field of landscape architecture
For those who are interested, fill in the following form with your details.
Include a short write-up for
Why you are interested
What you aim to accomplish being part of the young leaders’ group
Once your application is approved, you will receive a certificate of admission to confirm your commitment as our SILA LA Future Young Leader and a two-year tenure with the requirement that you fulfil your membership terms during this period. Your name along with the company/institution you belong to would also be published on our SILA website as an acknowledgement of your contributions.